Only registered customers or customers who wish to register are eligible to apply for a service!

Seafarer Database Management Information System is a web based application managed and used by Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority (EMAA) to carry out the seafarer and vessel certification processes

To get any certification service, you need to first get registered on the SDMIS system. You can register onto the SDMIS system in either of the following user types. You need to choose the type of user you want to register for because your registration user type affects the service type you are going to get. For more information on the user type and related services please see the following service categories.
  1. For New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User): If you register as a seafarer user, you can get the following services from Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority (EMAA)’s SDMIS system online.
    1. Exam Eligibility assessment
    2. New, Renewal and Replacement of Seafarer Book
    3. New, Renewal and Replacement of Basic Training(BT) Booklet
    4. New, Renewal and Replacement of COC Certificates
    5. New, Renewal and Replacement of Watch Keeping Certificates
      1. Rating Forming Part of Navigation Watch (Deck Watch)
      2. Rating Forming Part of Engineering Watch (Engine Watch)
    6. New, Renewal and Replacement of COP Certificates
      1. All Marine Related Certificates except COC Certificate, Watch Keeping Certificate, Seafarer Book and BT Booklet that are provided to seafarers are categorized under COP certificates
    7. New Training Certificates
      1. Refreshment and Upgrading Training Certificates
  2. For Certificate Endorsement (Endorsed Seafarer User) : If you register as an endorsed seafarer user, you can get the following services from Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority (EMAA)’s SDMIS system online.
    1. COC Endorsement
    2. COP Endorsement
    3. Medical Endorsement
    4. Tanker Endorsement
  3. For Other Services (Other Customer) : If you register as other customer, you can get the following services from Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority (EMAA)’s SDMIS system online. Certificates provided under this category are mostly not for sea going seafarers.
    1. Dispensation Letter
    2. Marine Consultancy COC Certificate
    3. Inland Water Certificate
    4. Other Training Certificates
  1. Choose the Service Category under the Register Menu.
  2. Fill all your profile details in the registration form and click continue
  3. Attach all registration required documents (if asked) and submit. (Note: If you want to get Seafarer Book from EMAA, you need to carefully attach all the mandatory required documents during your registration.)
  4. We will immediately create your login account. We will send your Username and Password to the email you filled in the registration form and you can verify the registration process by clicking the link sent to your email ( Note: Please don’t copy and paste the password sent to your email but write the password onto the password box). Once you verify your account, you can then login and follow up the status of all your requests by logging in to your personal page.

To get New Seafarer book you need to attach all mandatory required documents during the registration process. If you miss to attach the required documents to get new seafarer book, you need to login to your personal page and re-attach all the required documents under Registration link

  1. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page.
  3. Click ‘Manage My Details’ menu.
  4. Click ‘My Voyage Details’ link on the left side.
  5. Create the voyage details, by clicking the ‘Create New’ link under voyage history, by filling all fields of the form. ( Note: Please refer Seafarer Book sea time to fill the form, and make sure to frequently update the voyage details, by following your Seafarer Book information, if you haven’t updated yet and make sure you attach your seafarer book when updating your voyage details because it will be used as evidence to cross check your sea time history by EMAA officers)
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘Exam Eligibility’.
  4. Choose the Certificate Category for which you want to apply exam eligibility for.( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the specific Certificate Type for which you are applying for.
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) for exam eligibility. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application.
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST)’.
  4. Choose the ‘COC Certificate’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Service Type’ and ‘Certificate Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) to get the COC Certificate. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application.
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST)’..
  4. Choose the ‘COP Certificate’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Service Type’, ‘Certificate Type’ and ‘Training Type‘ for which you are applying for.( Note: The Training Type is a training taken to get the COP certificate mostly similar to the COP certificate name)
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) to get the COP Certificate. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘Certificate Endorsement (Endorsed Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and click ‘Certificate Endorsement’.
  4. Choose the ‘COC Endorsement’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Request Type’ and ‘Certificate Types’ for which you are applying for. ( Note: You can apply for COC , GMDSS, COP(Tanker) at one time because multiple certificate application is possible)
  6. Enter the Certificate Numbers of all the COC or GMDSS certificate numbers on the corresponding boxes.
  7. Attach the payment receipt ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  8. Submit your application
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘Certificate Endorsement (Endorsed Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and click ‘Certificate Endorsement’.
  4. Choose the ‘COP Endorsement’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Request Type’ and ‘Certificate Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Enter the Certificate Number of the COP certificate on the corresponding box.
  7. Attach the payment receipt ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  8. Submit your application.
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘Certificate Endorsement (Endorsed Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and click ‘Certificate Endorsement’.
  4. Choose the ‘Medical Endorsement’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Request Type’ and ‘Certificate Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Enter the Certificate Number of the Medical certificate on the corresponding box.
  7. Attach the payment receipt ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  8. Submit your application.
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘Certificate Endorsement (Endorsed Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and click ‘Certificate Endorsement’.
  4. Choose the ‘Tanker Endorsement’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Request Type’ and ‘Certificate Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Enter the Certificate Number of the Tanker certificate on the corresponding box.
  7. Attach the payment receipt ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  8. Submit your application.
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘Certificate Endorsement’.
  4. Choose the ‘Certificate Revalidity’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Certificate Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) to get the COC Certificate revalidated. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application.
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘Certificate Revalidity’.
  4. Choose the ‘COP Certificate’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Certificate Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) to get the COP Certificate revalidated. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘Certificate Revalidity’.
  4. Choose the ‘Seafarer Book Certificate’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Certificate Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) to get the Seafarer Book revalidated. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application.
  1. a. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘Certificate Revalidity’.
  4. Choose the ‘Watch Keeping Certificate’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Certificate Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) to get the Watch Keeping Certificate revalidated. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application.
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘Certificate Revalidity’.
  4. Choose the ‘Training Certificate’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Certificate Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) to get the Training Certificate revalidated. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application.
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST) (Seafarer User)’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘Miscellaneous Certificates’.
  4. Choose the ‘Training Certificate’ Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Service Type’, ‘Certificate Type’ and ‘Training Type’ for which you are applying for.
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) to get the Training Certificate. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application.
  1. Make sure you registered for ‘Other Services’ service category.
  2. Log in to your personal page with your credentials.
  3. Click ‘Apply’ menu and choose ‘Miscellaneous Certificates’.
  4. Choose the Specific Certificate Category for which you want to apply for ( Note: See Certificate Category details for more information)
  5. Choose the ‘Service Type’, ‘Certificate Type’ and other required information for which you are applying for.
  6. Attach all required documents (if any) to get the Specific Certificate type. ( NB: Attach all the required attachments proposed)
  7. Submit your application.
  1. For Seagoing Seafarers(Seafarers Initially Authorized by EMAA)
    1. Exam Eligibility: exam eligibility assessment is provided for COC or watch keeping certificates that require exam before certification.
    2. New Certification (COC,COP,SB,BST): certificate of competency/certificate of proficiency/basic training/seafarer book/watch keeping certificates
    3. Certificate Revalidity: renewal of COC, COP, seafarer book, basic trainig and watch keeping certificates
    4. Miscellaneous Certificates: any type of seafarer training certificate such as refreshment and upgrading training for different certificate types except the above certificate types
  2. For Endorsed Seafarers(Seafarers Initially Authorized by othe maritime authorities)
    1. COC Endorsement: endorsement provided for any type of COC certificate authorized by other maritime authority who has agreement with EMAA
    2. COP Endorsement: endorsement provided for any type of COP certificate authorized by other maritime authority who has agreement with EMAA
    3. Medical Endorsement: endorsement provided for any type of tanker certificate authorized by other maritime authority who has agreement with EMAA
    4. Tanker Endorsement: endorsement provide for any type of medical certificate authorized by other maritime authority who has agreement with EMAA. (Note: this is not medical certificate issued by EMAA for seafarer authorized by EMAA)
  3. For Other Customers(Non Seagoing National Customers)
    1. Dispensation Letter
    2. Marine Consultancy COC Certificate
    3. Inland Water Certificate
    4. Other Training Certificates

COC Certificates
COP Certificates
Seafarer Book
Basic Training Certificates
Watch Keeping Certificates
COC Endorsement:
COP Endorsement:
Medical Endorsement:
Tanker Endorsement:
Miscellaneous Certificates
Dispensation Letter
Marine Consultancy COC Certificate
Inland Water Certificate
Other Training Certificates

Under each certificate category there is/are one or more certificate type/s.